Meditation-Based Interventions for Psychiatric Disorders

We conducted clinical trials on Mind-Body interventions to assess its effectiveness to treat psychiatric disorders.


1.     Nassim M., Park H., Dikaios E., Potes A., Elbaz S., Mc Veigh C., Lipman M., Novak M., Trinh E., Alam A., Suri R., Thomas Z., Torres-Platas SG., Vasudev A., Sasi N., Gautier M., Mucsi I., Noble H., Rej S. (2021). Brief Mindfulness Intervention vs. Health Enhancement Program for Patients Undergoing Dialysis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Healthcare (IF. 2.8) 9(6):659.

2.     Moussaoui G, Rigas C., Escobar S., Torres-Platas SG., Castel S, Yang M., Inhaber J., Novielli J., van Amsterdam J., Sasi N., Potes A., Nikolitch K., Penheiro R., Looper K., Segal M., Elie D., Kiss A., Selchen S., Herrmann N, Sekhon H., Rej S. (2021). Brief Mindfulness-Oriented Interventions (MOIs) Improve Psychiatric Symptoms in a Psychiatric Inpatient Unit: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial. Psychosis (IF. 1.21)

3.     Lavin P., Nazar R., Nassim M., Dikaios E., Novak M., Mucsi I., Trinh E., Potes A., Alam A., Suri RS., Thomas Z., McVeigh C., Lipman M., Torres-Platas SG., Noble H., Linnaranta O., Rej S. (2021). Do Brief Mindfulness Intervention (BMI) and Health Enhancement Program (HEP) Improve Sleep in Hemodialysis Patients with Depression and Anxiety? A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Healthcare (IF. 2.5) Oct21;9(11):1410. 

4.     Rigas C., Park H., Nassim M., Su CL., Greenway K., Lipman M., McVeigh C., Novak M., Trinh E., Alam A., Suri R., Mucsi I., Torres-Platas SG., Noble H., Sekhon H., Rej S., Lifshitz M. (2021). Long-Term Effects of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention vs. a Health Enhancement Program for Treating Depression and Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: a randomized controlled trial. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease (IF. 1.77) 10.1177/20543581221074562

5.     Fotso Soh J., Almadani A., Beaulieu S.,  Rajji T., Mulsant BH. ,  Su CL.,  Renaud S., Mucsi I.,  Torres-Platas SG.,  Levinson A., Schaffer A.,  Dols A., Cervantes P., Low N.,  Herrmann N.,  Mantere O., Rej S. (2020). The effect of atorvastatin on cognition and mood in bipolar disorder and unipolar depression patients: A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of  Affective Disorders (IF. 4.04) Feb 1;262:149-154.

6.     Dikaios E., Escobar S., Nassim M., Su CL., Torres-Platas SG., Rej S. (2020) Continuation Sessions of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT-C) vs. Treatment as Usual in Late-Life Depression and Anxiety: An Open-Label Extension Study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (IF. 3.8) 35(10):1228-1232. doi: 10.1002/gps.5360.

7.     Fotso Soh J., Beaulieu B., Trepiccione F., Mantere O., Torres-Platas SG., Robert W., et al., (2020).  A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Trial of Atorvastatin for Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus in Lithium-Users. Bipolar Disorders (IF. 4.9) Feb;23(1):66-75

8.     Torres-Platas SG., Escobar S., Belliveau C, Wu J, Sasi N., Fotso J., Potes A., Thomas Z., Goodman A., Grad R., , Looper K., Segal., Berlim M., Vasudev A., Moscovitz N., Rej S. (2019). Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Intervention for the Treatment of Late-Life Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (IF. 13.7) 88(4):254-256

9.     Pokrzywko K., Torres-Platas SG., Abdool PS., Nassim M., Semeniuk T., Moussa Y., Moussaoul G., Leon C., Baici W., Wilkins-HoM W., Blackburn P., Friedland J., Nair V., Looper K., Segal M., Woo T., Bruneau MA., Rajji TK., Rej S. (2019). Early Clinical Exposure to Geriatric Psychiatry and Medical Students' Interest in Caring for Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (IF. 7.7); Jul;27(7):745-751

10.  Thomas Z., Novak M., Torres-Platas SG., Gautier M., Potes Holgin A., Fox R., et al. (2017). Brief mindfulness meditation for depression and anxiety symptoms in patients undergoing hemodialysis: A pilot feasibility study. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (IF. 4.6) 12(12):2008-2015.

11.  Elie D., Marino A., Torres-Platas SG., Noohi S., Semeniuk T., Segal M., Looper KJ., Rej S. (2017). End-of-life Care Preferences in Patients with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness and Chronic Medical Conditions: A Comparative Cross-sectional Study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (IF. 7.7) 2018 Jan;26(1):89-97

12.  Fotso Soh J., Torres-Platas SG., Beaulieu S., Mantere O., Platt R., Mucsi I., Saury S., Renaud S., Levinson A., Andreazza AC., Mulsant BH., Müller D., Schaffer A, Dols A, Low. N., Cervantes P., Herrmann N., Christensen BM., Trepiccione F., Rajji T., Rej S. (2018). Atorvastatin in the Treatment of Lithium-Induced Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus: The Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial BMC Psychiatry (IF. 4.4). Jul 16, 18(1):227

13.  Potes A, Torres-Platas SG., Thomas Z., Vasudev A., Lavretsky H., Rej S. (2017) Tai Chi Interventions in Mental Illness: Results From a Pilot Study in Adults and a Systematic Review in Older Adults. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (IF. 7.7) S100-S101

14.  Moussaoui G., Van Amsterdam J, Fotso Soh J., Torres-Platas SG., Rej S. (2017). Current Pharmacotherapies in Older Age Bipolar Disorder. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry (IF. 0.5)


Contemplative Sleep Practices


Molecular Mechanisms Mind-Body Interventions